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Jesus blesses the children


People were bringing babies to Jesus so that he would bless them. When the disciples saw this, they scolded them. Then Jesus called them to him and said, “Allow the children to come to me. Don’t forbid them, because God’s kingdom belongs to people like these children. I assure you that whoever doesn’t believe like a child will never enter the kingdom.”

Luke 18:15-17


St. Paul UMC is committed to all the children and youth that we serve and to their personal growth towards self-reliant and responsible beings. Our philosophy embodies the core belief that all persons can and want to grow and contribute. Children and youth ministry programming is designed to provide an atmosphere in which participants can develop cognitively, socially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is our belief that children and youth develop in these areas when they are provided a safe place of belonging to explore diverse experiences and opportunities. It is important that they are allowed to pursue their own interests in developmentally productive ways within the structure of the program.

Neighborhood Connection

Through a partnership with the Huffman Historic District People's Wellness Collective, St. Paul Contemplative Ministries offers programs for neighborhood children. All our programming supports healthy development and encourages children to engage in the arts as a natural way to practice skills of mindfulness, collaboration, focus, peace and stillness.The colors, textures and sounds of creating pull children into the moment while allowing them to reveal their own spiritual gifts.

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