St. Paul United Methodist Church
Dayton, Ohio

St. Paul Ministries have been centered in the historic Huffman district of East Dayton since 1883. The building and the activities within have become a major hub and community gathering place for a series of holistic services in recent years.
At St. Paul there is a quality of belonging that begins with a small but vital core membership that extends outward to include numerous neighborhoods, community people, partnering churches and social service agencies. The resulting mix is complex, vibrant and multifaceted. Those coming and going throughout the week are often those who feel isolated and left behind in other settings, but the experience at St. Paul makes it easy for all to feel a sense of belonging. Many initially arrive for very non-religious purposes, but the Spirit often entices the community into a deeper exploration of what makes St. Paul special and inclusive.
From Ashton Dupler
Pastor, St. Paul UMC
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is,
There is Freedom
At St. Paul United Methodist Church, we believe that freedom and dignity go hand in hand. Our mission is to ensure that everyone who comes through our doors feels valued and respected, with the freedom to make choices that affirm their humanity and dignity. This mission is embodied in our choice pantry, Stuff Shoppe, and feeding programs. These initiatives are designed to provide our community members, especially those with "their backs against the wall," as the esteemed theologian Howard Thurman described, with the means to live abundantly.
Choice Pantry: Empowering Decisions
Our choice pantry is more than a food distribution center. It is a place where individuals and families can choose the items that best meet their needs and preferences. By allowing our community members to select their own food, we affirm their right to make decisions about their lives. This simple act of choosing fosters a sense of control and respect, helping to preserve their dignity.
Stuff Shoppe: Providing with Pride
The Stuff Shop offers at a minimal price gently used clothing and household items to those in need. What sets our shop apart is the way we operate: rather than simply handing out items, we invite people to browse and select what they need. This experience is akin to shopping in any other store, reinforcing the idea that everyone deserves to feel dignified and valued. The freedom to choose what they want rather than accept what is given enhances their sense of self-worth. The proceeds from the store go back into funding our Outreach Ministries.
Meal Programs: Nourishing Bodies and Souls
Our food programs provide hot, nutritious meals in a welcoming environment, we create a space where people can gather, share stories, and find companionship. This communal aspect is crucial. The freedom to come together in a supportive community is a vital component of living an abundant life.
In the spirit of 2 Corinthians 3:17, we are committed to creating an environment where the freedom of the Lord is evident in every action we take. Our programs are meant to lift up those who are marginalized, giving them the freedom to make choices, to feel dignified, and to live abundantly. We are blessed to serve our community and to witness the transformative power of freedom in their lives. This magic happens Monday to Sunday, thanks to our faithful volunteers and donors, alongside impactful staff.
Let us continue to embody the spirit of freedom in all that we do, ensuring that everyone we encounter knows they are valued, respected, and free to live a life full of dignity and abundance.
Join us in worship at St. Paul
Sundays at 10:30am
Live Streaming of
the Sunday service is available on the Service Streaming page
Adult Sunday School
Sundays, 9.30am - 10:30am
(before Sunday Service)
Contemplative Ministries
Virtual Prayer Circle
Join St. Paul’s drop-in Contemplative Prayer Circle. We gather on Zoom every Wednesday at 3pm and Saturday at 10am for Centering Prayer, reflective readings and discussions. Questions? Email Beth Vanoli at
To register for the circle and receive an email with the zoom link prior to each meeting:
Wednesdays, 3:00pm - 4.00pm
Saturdays, 10:00am - 11:00am
Meditation and Movement
Fridays, 10.00am - 11:15am
Lectio at Lunch
Join this Bible study to explore one of the lectionary passages for the week.
Mondays, Noon - 12:45pm
Hispanic Sunday Worship Service
Culto de Alabanza a los domingos
Held monthly
Hispanic Community Bible Study
Estudio Bíblico Comunitario
Community Outreach
Thrift Shoppe
Support for Health and Social Needs
Multicultural Interaction
Tax Preparation
Neighborhood Collaborative Projects
St. Paul Staff Leadership
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