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St. Paul United Methodist Church
Dayton, Ohio

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This video provides a summary of several events that occurred during the celebration of the Advent Season at St. Paul. These included the opportunity for children to shop for presents for members of their families; a Breakfast with Santa morning; a traditional Hispanic Las Posadas evening; and a candlelight Christmas Eve service that was held at St. Paul in collaboration with our partner, McKinley UMC of Dayton. We also held a thank-you luncheon for the many volunteers who not only provided the gifts and individual support for these events, but also helped the church in so many ways throughout the year. These volunteers came from a number of supporting churches and organizations in the greater Dayton area.

Biographies of Pastors


St. Paul Ministries have been centered in the historic Huffman district of East Dayton since 1883. The building and the activities within have become a major hub and community gathering place for a series of holistic services in recent years.

At St. Paul there is a quality of belonging that begins with a small but vital core membership that extends outward to include numerous neighborhoods, community people, partnering churches and social service agencies. The resulting mix is complex, vibrant and multifaceted. Those coming and going throughout the week are often those who feel isolated and left behind in other settings, but the experience at St. Paul makes it easy for all to feel a sense of belonging. Many initially arrive for very non-religious purposes, but the Spirit entices the community into a deeper exploration of what makes St. Paul special and inclusive.

Join us in worship at St. Paul

Sundays at 10:30am

Live Streaming of

the Sunday service is available on the Service Streaming page

Adult Sunday School
Sundays, 9.30am - 10:30am
(before Sunday Service)

Contemplative Ministries

Virtual Prayer Circle

Join St. Paul’s drop-in Contemplative Prayer Circle. We gather on Zoom every Wednesday at 3pm and Saturday at 10am for Centering Prayer, reflective readings and discussions. Questions? Email Beth Vanoli at

To register for the circle and receive an email with the zoom link prior to each meeting: 

Wednesdays, 3:00pm - 4.00pm

Saturdays, 10:00am - 11:00am

More Information

Meditation and Movement
Fridays, 10.00am - 11:15am

Lectio at Lunch

Join this Bible study to explore one of the lectionary passages for the week.

Mondays, Noon - 12:45pm

Community Outreach
Thrift Shoppe
Support for Health and Social Needs
Multicultural Interaction
Tax Preparation
Neighborhood Collaborative Projects

Hispanic Sunday Worship Service

Culto de Alabanza a los domingos

Held monthly

Check link for dates

Hispanic Community Bible Study

Estudio Bíblico Comunitario

Weekly on Thursdays from 6:45-8:30 p.m.

Cada semana a los jueves de 6:45-8:30 p.m.

St. Paul Staff Leadership


Click on a photo for more information

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